Our Cash and Carry Store

Our Cash and Carry Store

Our Cash and Carry Store offers commercial business owners and everyday consumers with a unique shopping experience. Even though we are living in a digital age and people love to shop online, we still want our customers to have the ability to see our products first-hand. With tons of items on display, customers can enter our store and choose the items they want in person. If you do not see a particular product you are looking for, we are more than happy to get it for you! We supply catalog books, which offer even more choices to our customers. Since we supply a vast selection of products; customers are not restricted to just one or two choices.

Our customers can choose the packaging price point they want to incorporate into their products. By having a wide range of packaging materials and configurations, this allows the customer to reach their desired unit cost. Since many customers don’t know what to look for when it comes to packaging, our display boards and catalogs open up the world of current packaging available. Customers can choose a certain look for their packaging, which creates a unique statement some customers strive for.

Our retail store does not require a membership and is open to the public. We welcome everyone to come inside to have a look around. Our store is ideal for new businesses who are trying to create an identity. They can come inside and pick out exactly what they want. Although the majority of our products are sold in bulk, we still break many products into smaller units. We want you to be able to purchase exactly how much you want or need. In addition to supplying a vast assortment of name-brand products, we also have several H.C Walterhoefer brand products as well that are of premium quality and lower priced than the name brand. Not only do we offer great prices, but we also accept all credit cards at our store and can deliver. Come by and visit our store today!

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